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Reliability DEM


as a landscape planing office, the function of creating DEM`s with photogrammetry is a huge advantage. 
Unfortunately, I found out that the results of the DEM are very inaccurate compared to a laser scan. There were indifferences of up to one meter and sometimes the heights were displayed incorrectly. 

My hardware and settings were as follows:
- DJI Mavic Pro 2 (Hasselblad)
- Altitude 120 m
- Overlap 80/80
- Speed 8.2

The overlay report showed a result of 13+

Maybe you can share your experiences or describe how to proceed to generate a reliable DEM.

Thanks in advance,

Michael Bolender

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Yeah, laser scans are cool but the gear to do it costs 50X... 

Cover an area that is larger than what you need. The edges get less overlap and thus have lower accuracy. 

User Terrain Awareness in your data collection. 

Relative measurements should be pretty solid but will certainly have a cumulative error as the distance of the measurement area increases.

Use GCPs to apply linear corrections to the elevation. 

120 meters is really high if you want to be getting good detail. 

80% overlap should be good but your most recent map is showing overlap of roughly 60% overlap. 

Zane 1 vote
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Still have problems with DEM. To make sure its not a problem with my hardware (mavic 2 pro), i compared the creation of a DEM with the software Pix4D. The result was, i have huge differences between both DEMs (Up to 40 m). The DEM of MME got height differences, which can not be realistic. The DEM of Pix4D seems to be correct. Dont know if i have the wrong settings…

Michael Bolender 0 votes
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As noted in the Data Collection guidelines you should be using at least 75% overlap, not the 70% you are setting the app to. You can see the gaps in your coverage in the Overlap Report. If you care about the elevation accuracy of the results you need to have the Overlap Report be fully dark blue (use 80%).

Also, you appear to be using Connectionless data collection mode (triggered on the aircraft). This will not give you the best possible results. Active Connect mode should be used if possible.

It looks like you have used a ground reference image so it is possible that the result from MME is more accurate than one created using other software. 


Zane 0 votes
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Zane,My DEMs are way off.  I am mapping saltmarsh, which is essentially flat with a potential contour interval of 8 feet.  I am getting contour intervals of 22 meters.  The center is high and the edges fall off.  I flew at 300 feet with 80% overlap, without terrain awareness.  Is it my drone?  A Mavic Pro.  The image attached is from the contour (1 m) plugin for QGis.

James MacDougall 0 votes
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The curvature is caused by slight disagreements in the feature matching. The Mavic Pro camera isn't great but 80/80 is pretty good overlap. The time of day might have something to do with it. The sun is rising quickly at that time which means the shadows are moving a lot from the time you start the data collection to the time it is finished. 

The Mavic 3 Enterprise creates the nicest and flattest maps out of any camera we see regularly. 

Correcting the distortion is beyond what we can provide in support but there are plugins in QGIS that can help dewarp the DEM. 

Zane 0 votes
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