As of version 2.4.0 Map Pilot not longer supports Mapbox Editor style inputs since Mapbox has stopped supporting the product.
For importing custom basemaps, please refer to the following article: 3rd Party Basemap - Mapbox Share URL
For importing markers, lines and polygons, please use the Importing shapes from KML via Email feature.
Based on a lot of user input, versions 1.3.2 and up have the capability of importing externally defined markers, lines and polygons to aid in the Flight planning process for locations that don't have very good Apple Maps or Mapbox basemap detail.
Before adding any annotations, the Mapbox ID and Access Token have to be added in the settings using the following instructions:
Use these instructions on how to use Google Earth or your own knowledge to create appropriate data to use a guidelines:
Picking up where the instructions above left off, you can import the .kml file (.gpx, .geojson, .csv) into Mapbox to share the annotations with Map Pilot.
- From the Mapbox Editor list view, click on the "Edit" pencil at the end.
- Select the "Data" tab in he middle to show the data sources.
- Draw some markers or lines or click "import" to upload the tester.kml file from before.
- Click the "import" button on the popup and see the imported data.
- Click "Save" to save the new data to the map.
- Press and hold the "Offline" map selector image to clear out the previously cached annotations and let Map Pilot know there is new data to download.
Here is the regular Apple Maps view with the imported .KML file from Mapbox that was created using Google Earth.