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Sudden issues with Air2S standard missions

Hello, very recently I have had serious errors and/or fails for just about every survey mission that I have run. After looking closely at the behaviors, the most consistent thing, which I am hoping may help figure out what's going on, is that irrespective of distance from me (poor signal?) or the fullness/performance of the memory card (U3, A2, V30 cards only) while the mission is being executed, every few seconds I notice that the camera feed from the drone micro-freezes / skips, and at the same time the motion blur value will jump from green to a yellow 1" or so, then go back to green. It seems to do this consistently for the whole mission. Something may exacerbate it, however, as I have had some complete fail missions mid mission when I noticed the similar behavior on steroids.  

This last mission I also caught a brief error from the app when spinning up for a mission - it said something about the camera being in busy/in use  or unavailable.. very briefly, and I never saw it again after that (though the lag spikes and yellow jumps still continue)

Anyone else experiencing this? Any thoughts on potential causes? I checked the gimbal etc. and the drone in general for any physical issues,  however everything appears fine. 

Very greatful for any thoughts!

Oh and forgot to mention, this is controlling with the standard controller and an iPhone 15 Pro Max pair.

Richard Stanton

Official comment


We are sorry to hear you are having issues with the app. It certainly sounds like a connection issue. One thing to be aware of that is especially relevant at this time of year is that your iOS device REALLY doesn't like being hot and will turn down its CPU to keep itself from overheating. Looking at your aircraft battery are remote temperatures shows me that you are operating past the edge with them. 

Try doing a mission early in the morning when things are a lot cooler to rule out temperature issues. 

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Richard, Im facing the same issues with Air 2S.

1: The camera image freezes;

2: The motion blur values are not consistent, the values jump from green to red frequently.

Im flying with RCN1 (controller without screen) and Samsung A54 (256 GB and 8GB RAM).

Machadoagri 0 votes
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Hi Zane, thank you for the suggestion. I had been considering whether thermals may have been playing a role, more specifically we have been VERY high on the UV scale over the last week or so. I tried again this morning, and while I could not logistically make your suggestion of early morning work, it was a foggy morning to start, so I figured I would give it a go. From what I have experienced, I would say that I believe thermals are not a factor - namely because the issue starts right out the gate. I decided to let it complete the entire survey though just to have more data, and to see how bad those red spikes are. It is a two battery run, and the first leg of it went great (except for the blip to red every 5-7ish seconds). I performed the battery swap, and sadly from there things did not go so well. I realized after takeoff that the view window was frozen, and sure enough it got to altitude and just sat there. So I brought it back manually. After that I tried a few more times to get it to resume the operation, and even though the app as clearly showing completed phtoto bubbles along the flight path, and an empty section as well, it refused to recognize that it needed to resume - it wanted to fly the mission again from the very start. In the interest of time, and hoping to bring back at least something, I modified the flight plan, cutting it down to approximately where it had stopped for battery swap. I had to navigate through a few "product disconnected", or showing connected but no camera feed, but eventually got it back on mission, and it ran the modified flight plan without issue (again, other than the spikes to red).During this mission the lighting changed from overcast/foggy all the way to sunny - and lighting conditions did not seem to affect anything at all.

The mission should be synced, and I am uploading two batches of photos now.

I also did a bunch of testing yesterday before the mission today - I tried several different memory cards, I tried freshly formatting, I tried multiple different cables, and I tried multiple controllers as well (both RCN1s), none of which appeared to have any affect at all, positive or negative. 

I am hoping that maybe the logs from this latest attempt might help shed more light on things?

Any ideas, thoughts, drum circles, ritualistic DJI gear sacrifices, etc. are very very welcome!

Richard Stanton 0 votes
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The freezing is really the only issue here and it is almost certainly caused by high device temperatures. 

We don't have a temperature reading for the iOS device itself but your batteries got up to 48 C today. The DJI operating spec on those is 40 C so I am going to assume it was pretty hot... 

You need to keep the mobile device out of the sun. We have heard of people running a fan to point at it when it gets hot outside. Keeping it in the shade is a must. 

The important part here is that the data appears to be being collected properly at least as far as we can tell with your log files. 

The changes in the ground smear reading are due to camera exposure changes or changes in speed because that is how that is calculated. 

For your second flight issue it looks like you had the 30 meter limit issue which means you need to make sure you are logged into your DJI account in order to fly. This is a DJI limitation. You can read more about this here:

You can start/restart your flight at any corner waypoint by tapping the corner while the blue flight path verification line is showing.

Zane 0 votes
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