Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

How to use Mission Details

Tudor -

Using the Flight Sync feature, you can review very detailed flight logs as created by Map Pilot within Maps Made Easy's new Map Pilot pulldown menu. 

The following image shows a synced two flight mission. The layout is generally familiar to Map Pilot users. The green dot is the starting waypoint for the area to be covered. Red is the ending waypoint. The blue dot(s) denote Abandonment Points where the aircraft left the planned path to return to home. The grey dots are clickable and show you the name of the file that was taken at that spot. 



Flight Details can be access by clicking the icon for any of the individual flights listed in the Mission Detail. 


The Mission Detail screen has a few general pieces of information regarding the execution of the Mission.




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    Timothy King

    Is there a way for a mission to be deleted from the web interface?

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    I think you should have a red "Delete Mission Plan" button at the bottom of the Mission Plan detail pages.

    In Map Pilot Pro you can just swipe to delete it on the device and the deletion will be executed on the website as well on the next sync.

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    Timothy King

    Thanks Zane,

    I don't see a red "Delete Mission Plan" but I can try to remove them from Map Pilot Pro and let you know how that works..

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    Timothy King

    I think it was because I didn't understand the Boundary Groups and Missions when I did this in MapPilot Business, so I recently went in and renamed the boundary missions. The flight log for 2/9/2021_11_55_35 says it was uploaded but is orange in MPB. Don't see any of the flights in MPP either. Will they be available? Thanks

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    It looks like you were using an older version of Map Pilot Business at that point. There were a lot of fixes to the sync process in the latest versions. It is possible they won't show on our site.

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    Jostein Sageie

    Please implement the red delete button so I can clean up my missions. There are both real flight and simulations

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    Scroll down a little further... Red button is at the bottom. Also, you can delete them from Map Pilot Pro by swiping left.

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    Jan Tovornik

    Is there a way to create a new mission in the web app or is this only doable via the mobile app?

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    You can define the boundary in Maps Made Easy and that gets synced to Map Pilot Pro for final layout when you are on the site.

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    Max Benjamin

    Is it possible to create a mission with details (altitude, speed, overlap) entirely on the desktop website, then have it ready to go on the tablet in the field? It's not obvious to me here. All I could do was create a 'boundary group' and boundary? Thanks

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    Max: please read the previous two comments.

    Boundary definitions are just to define the area that you will be covering. That then gets synced to the mobile device where the final mission layout occurs. This is where you would select the altitude, speed, and overlap. You can then save the mission and it will be shown in your account. You cannot create a new mission plan on the website.

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    Max Benjamin

    Whoops, too late, I already didn't read them. Thanks, that makes sense. It's nice to nail down the perimeter in the office. If I did want to take a polygon (.kmz) out of AutoCAD or QGIS to use as a perimeter, how would I load that in? Thanks again, Zane.

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    Map Pilot Pro accepts KML files (not KMZ) for boundary imports. They will show up in the File Manager section. Rename the file from sample.kml to sample_boundary.kml to import as boundaries and linear flight plans. Adding the _boundary to the filename tells the system to import is as boundary definitions instead of just guidelines. The imported data will show up in the File Manager screen. All features that are being imported need to have a name associated with them.

    You import it by hitting the 'Import' button in the 'File Manager' screen. There are lots of different ways to get it into the app.


    Edited by Zane
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    Harold Chattaway

    I just subscribed to the yearly plan for the Pro level...
    Are all map planning done on the mobile device? In my case i have it installed on the RC 2 controller that came with the M3T. And then it is synced to the web interface but not designed on the web interface?

    and how do i tell it to use the thermal camera on the 3T? I'd like to take both an RGB mission and then just switch the camera to use the thermal so they can be overlayed.


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    Yes, all of the final planning is done on the aircraft in the field. You can define the boundary of the areas you want to cover in the web interface and sync them to the remote for final layout. For the selection of what camera you want to use for the layout you define that by picking the appropriate camera in the Settings.

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