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KML Inputs

Tudor -

The easiest way to collaborate with others or view data from other locations is by importing a KML file. KML files can be received and opened with Tag Pilot by emailing or AirDropping them to the device. Once it has been opened it will show in the File Manager list.

Read here for details on opening KML files from email:


A simple KML can be drawn in Google Earth. Placemarkers (pins), polygons, and lines are supported. Color support works for lines and polygons. This file can be downloaded here: 3pinsBluePoly.kml


This file can then be sent to Tag Pilot to be used as a guide for the task at hand. Google Earth placemarks that have a name and description will be added to Tag Pilot as User Tags instead of the red pins shown below.


KML files generated by Tag Pilot can also be opened to use as a guide for further flights.

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