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Airdata sync


My flights have synced with the MapsMadeEasy dashboard, but not with Airdata (which has the right token on my tablet).  And they no longer appear under FileManager.  How can I get them into Airdata from my Dashboard?  Thanks.

Clinton Smyth

Official comment


The AirData token has to be present at the time the log file gets synced or it will not go to AirData. If the token is present (and valid) it will be sent.

For the flights that you have synced to MME but you want to get into AirData you can download the CSV log file from the flight's detail page in Maps Made Easy and manually upload that to AirData.

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I recently flew two flights and my Airdata did not synch.  I confirmed that the token was entered and that the token was correct.  But, no data was transferred.  How do I manually synch the data?

I just went and I cannot find it in the list of flights, yet I flew it through to completion and landing.

Jim Willson 0 votes
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Jim: They are possibly in the File Manager screen on the app depending on if you have the automated deletion enabled or not. There is a chance they are not there anymore since it has been more that 3 days since they were synced. 

I see a flight on the 5th and 6th of this month in your account. The CSV files are available there if they aren't still in the app. The log files are available from the Flight Detail page by clicking "Download CSV". 

Zane 0 votes
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