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Air 2S test on simulator

I was able to tests new released version with Air 2S in simulator mode: 

Few observations: 

1. After detecting aircraft there is Work mode error code: -1013. Seeing your earlier post it looks like it has no effect

2. Click on Pause on controller (short click on come home button) stops the aircraft without ability to resume

3. Click on stop mission icon doesn't work. It shows circling animation forever when pressed and nothing happened

4. Motion blur occasional shows 50+cm in red than it returnes to 0.7cm. Opening camera settings shows that exp is fluctuating for a split second every 3-5 sec even it is on S mode with manual iso and exp. 

5. Does switch position (Cine/Normal/Sport) have any effect on flight mission? When i have flown Phantom 4P switching to attitude mode would stop the mission.

6. Sometimes in simulator drone just flies away, rotates in ascending or circle around movable black dot. Video

Just want to make sure is this the bug of simulator or I can expect this kind of behavior in real flight?

Dino Stanin

Official comment


1. We will look into the work mode error. Was it possibly in video mode before that?

2 and 3. We will look at these. 

4. That number is based on the exposure time and the air speed. If you have a long exposure time and a fast speed that number will be large. It could just be that you were flying over a dark area and the camera was trying to compensate but lengthening the exposure time. 

5. If you change the state of that switch it will stop the virtual stick controls. If nothing else happens it will return home on its own or you can take over manually. 

6. We do a lot of our development using the simulator so it should behave pretty well. That video is, um, weird. If you turn on the Force Virtual Stick setting at the bottom of the Settings it will show you the target point as it flies. The issue might be that you are flying pretty low with pretty high overlap (80%). This places the passes pretty close together and might be something we need to work on.

Based on how long it took to calculate the terrain profile you might want to look into getting a faster iOS device. We have been recommending the use of at least an A10 processor or better for a few years now. That requirement will likely be creeping up soon. 

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2/3. What is the pause button on the remote? We only see power, RTH and the mode switch. 

Zane 0 votes
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Ah. Got it. We will handle that better.

We do thank you for the good screen capture. That is very helpful. 

It looks like the black dot in the video means you already have the "Force Virtual Sticks" setting enabled which you don't technically need on the Air 2S.

Are you letting the app take off on its own or are you taking off manually? There should be a pause right after taking off. 

Zane 0 votes
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Yes, my iPad was behaving much slower than using Phantom or M2P in recent versions of app. Previously, it was handling app quite easy. There is a bug in change of exposure from given 1/800 to 1/100 for a split of second, sometimes corresponds to the moment picture was taken. And that results in momentary 25x larger motion blur.
I have also noticed sudden larger deviations from the route suddenly ending a flight even it has not finished his path.. 
After resetting drone/controller/iPad/app i got much nicer behavior, but with exp wondering, ISO changed to auto and cannot be set to manual. S supposed to be manual indicating "Shutter", right? Another problem is there is no way to pause and restart mission. Button Stop freezes in never ending circled animation. 
I see no pause button after taking off. There is just STOP button. Taking off was automatic. 

Will definitely do more tests before actual flight. 
Thank you for your support!

Dino Stanin 0 votes
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The exposure times are not something we are likely going to be able to do anything with. That is likely a glitch in either the SDK or the firmware. It will likely get addressed by DJI at some point. 

We will get the mission pausing straightened out quickly.

For the record: our remote does not have the pause button!

Zane 0 votes
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I have made few more simulated test flights with newest version before actual flight

Here are the results: 

1. There is something wrong with camera settings, fluctuating exp and ISO in the moment of capture
2. Drone sometimes oscillates left/right mostly on the beginning of the mission and when flying to the starting point
3. After that drone settles and fly mission in predicted order. 
4. Flying back to the abounded point on the second flight is mostly fail. Sometimes drone just hovers after taking off, sometimes blue point disappears. 

If you find something useful here is the video of my testing


- Ipad Pro 9.7 AX9 chipset (in the past flew missions very well)

- iOS 15.4.1
- Air 2S v.02.04.2040

Dino Stanin 0 votes
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Tried a couple missions with Air 2S this morning.  Flight was quite good for virtual stick flight control.  The only issue was that it wouldn't trigger any images after the photo taken on the ground.  Manual triggering worked just fine, so I've got a dataset in the hopper for processing now.  Just thought I'd let you know.  I'm using version 5.4.3 build 041320221

Markus Weber (LandView) 0 votes
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