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MPP feedback v.5.2

Hi Zane,

I flew 3 sites yesterday with v.5.2 using a P4P.  Everything went well.  I just wanted to report a small anomaly in case no one else has.

I use custom camera settings.  The settings remained intact from one mission to the next, except for battery changes.  For some reason, when changing a pack during a running mission, all of the camera settings would be retained except white balance which would set back to Auto.  Moving between completely different missions to the next with MPP being shut down, my selection, Sunny, would be retained. A small thing but maybe you can tweak it.

Thanks, Dave

Dave Pitman

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One other note.  I'm not absolutely sure, but I think that ISO, when set to auto, and using Shutter Priority did not bump to 200 when it probably should have.

My settings are:

Shutter Priority / shutter speed set according to lighting.

ISO / Auto

WB / Sunny

I'm sure in MP Business, ISO would regularly bump from 100 to 200 when the 2.8 aperture was not enough in darker lighting. Yesterday, I had a lot of darker lighting and aperture stayed at 2.8 but ISO never bumped off of 100 when the resulting images show that it should have.  As mentioned, I know it used to work that way.  Maybe something else to check.


Dave Pitman 0 votes
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When Custom Camera Settings are used we don't really give much thought to the configuration of the actual DJI camera at all. The Custom Camera stuff is there solely to define the footprint of the image which determines the flight path. I would say at this point there has been near zero effort done to maintain any settings on the DJI camera setup. Just wondering, what is the use case here?

We will try to reproduce what you are seeing with the ISO setting but as I am sure you know, the camera settings in the different priority modes are very scene and situation dependent. There are ways to get into certain settings that are very hard to reproduce even with a second flight. In general, we are not commanding those changes, they are being reported to the app by the camera that has been placed in auto mode. It is possible that the mode change did not occur though which is something we can try to verify.

Zane 0 votes
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"When Custom Camera Settings are used we don't really give much thought to the configuration of the actual DJI camera at all. The Custom Camera stuff is there solely to define the footprint of the image which determines the flight path. I would say at this point there has been near zero effort done to maintain any settings on the DJI camera setup."

I'm referring to camera settings set in MP, not in DJIGO / Aircraft settings.  The MP settings are all sticking from one mission to the other.  But with a battery change in the same mission, White Balance sets back to Auto and all the other settings stay as they were. That seems odd.


Just wondering, what is the use case here?

I don't understand the question.

With regard to the ISO, using the settings  I listed above in MP Business (Set in MP, not GO),  If the scene was too dark for the specified shutter speed and the largest aperture (2.8 for the P4P), the iso would then bump from 100 to 200.  That did not seem to be happening in MPP.

Dave Pitman 0 votes
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Custom Camera: Are you referring to selecting the "Custom Camera" as the camera in the Map Pilot Pro settings or just referring to use the camera settings in Map Pilot Pro? "Custom Camera" is a thing we offer to allow people to define their own FOV cameras and map using unsupported 3rd party payloads. I think we are just getting crossed up here. I didn't understand why you would be using the "Custom Camera" while expecting the DJI controls to work. If you are talking about a DJI camera it should absolutely save that value. 

We will look at the ISO thing.

Zane 0 votes
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