Official comment

There are some angles in there that may not be allowed. We usually scrub the pass waypoints to keep this from happening in the normal missions but we don't in the linear missions.
Hello. The software shows the "Mission Upload Error" message with the following missions (see images). There is good coverage and no interferences. Some days ago it worked in an adjacent area with a similar mission. Please tell me what to do.
There are some angles in there that may not be allowed. We usually scrub the pass waypoints to keep this from happening in the normal missions but we don't in the linear missions.
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Was this manually drawn with the Linear Planning tool? What is the text of the error that you are seeing?
Mission Upload Error
Waypoint uploading has timed out.
this usually occurs because of a poor
conection to the aircraft or a lot of
interference Please try again
Lo he intentado varias veces cambiado de ubicacion y reseteando Ipad
La planificacion de cercado por polilinea no aguanta las zonas concavas y trato de copiar con trazado lineal de una sola linea para optimizar el aprovechamiento del perimetro de las zonas a volar.
Son zonas muy abruptas y se hace necesario trabajar con vuelos adaptados.
Consideran que podiamos eliminar el error si edito los angulos agudos en los cambios ?
Please send us your Flights.plist file so we can try to duplicate what you are seeing.
You can get the Flights file from iTunes by clicking on the icon in the rectangle in the attached image and then click on Map Pilot - > Files to get to it. You can download it from there and email it to us.