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Drone Link vs Map Pilot PRo

Hey all, bit of a newb question but here it goes. 

My original plan a few weeks ago was to use Maps Made Easy for pay as you go, I also ended up signing up for a monthly subscription to Drone Link for $70 a month 

I ended up signing up for the Pro account to MME which I think now gives me more features to the pilot pro app.

My question is, was wondering if anyone has any experience with both and is one better then the other? Is there an advantage use Drone Link to map out missions or is Map Pilot just as good?

No point in paying for Drone Link if Pilot Pro will be just as good unless Drone Link is that much better.

Thanks in advance!


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Maps Made Easy and Map Pilot Pro are made for mapping. I’m not sure what drone link is for, but based on what I see from their mapping flights it leaves a lot to be desired. If you want to collect good data for mapping, we highly suggest using Map Pilot Pro. It also costs a fraction of what you were paying for the other service and you get some processing as well.

Zane 0 votes
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Thanks Zane, as much as I would love to do a side by side comparison and plan missions using both I just don't have that free time right now so I'll cancel that and use MPP.

steve 0 votes
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