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Mini 3 - Impossible to connect with MPP


Yesterday, after many attempts, I could't fly a mission with Mini 3.

Less than 1 minute after opening a mission, the misson closes suddenly, before MPP connect with Mini 3. 

After the mission closes suddenly, sometimes the app request my Log in. By I was already logged in. So I log in again, and open the mission again and the mission closes suddenly again.

I tried many times, including uninstall and re-install the APK, Log in my account again, uninstal other versions of MPP..


Samsung A54 - 8 GB RAM - 256GB (Android 14)

Map Pilot Pro v 2.1.3e


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This is likely an Android 14 issue. We will be releasing a new version today that should have better support for Android 14 and the E variant of the app. The previous version of the SDK that DJI released had a crash apparently.

Is the app asking you to log into your MME account or is it asking you to log into your DJI account? They are two separate things. The DJI login is now something that non-enterprise hardware is now requiring.

After any fresh installation, you are going to have to be on the Internet to allow the app to register with DJI before connecting to any aircraft.

Zane 0 votes
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After this last update (2.2.0e) Mini 3 is connecting and flying.

But its not always flying straight, following the plight plan line. Sometimes Mini 3 goes of course.

Check my last 2 flights.


Samsung A54 - 8 GB RAM - 256GB (Android 14)

Map Pilot Pro v 2.2.0e

Mini 3 RC-N1

Machadoagri 0 votes
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I can see what is happening in your log files. We don’t see that happening on any other 2.2.0e users though. That leaves wind as a possible cause since the drift appears to be happening in the same direction. The other variable would be your device and what is potentially running on it. Make sure all other apps are fully closed to maximize the system resources required by Map Pilot Pro and the DJI SDK. Please let us know if it continues in other situations.

Zane 0 votes
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