You either get the purple takeoff location that you plan elsewhere or you get the red triangle that shows where the aircraft actually is. You do not get both. This is not changed in years. Tried disconnecting from the aircraft.
Followpurple start point
I can no longer get a purple start point when creating new mission in the office to load later at site. I could before. Has something changed?
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If drone is disconnected, I cant set grid lines(says cant use controller only), but when connected it sets home point where drone is. If I then disconnect drone it wont proceed past that point in setting up mission. Is there a setting I have wrong?
I am looking at your most recently posted flight and it was for 5.5.4. The current version is 5.10.1 so there have been a quite a few changes since then in general. We added the long press gesture to drop the purple home point first if one is not already drawn. The double tap gesture still works.
What device are you trying to plan on and for what aircraft? What version of Map Pilot Pro is being used?
If you are switching to Android for the first time coming from iOS you need to just do a long press to add the purple dot first. Android doesn't have the double tap gesture you are likely used to coming from iOS.