That doesn't make a lot of sense since they the TIFF and the point cloud are generated from the same internal point cloud and model. Are you looking at the XYZ file or the LAS?
FollowPointcloud Shift Error
I'm working on a survey which i have used multiple sensors to produce. The aerial data was gathered with a P4 RTK drone connected to the Trimble VRSNow network. After processing the data in Maps Made Easy the Georeferenced Tiff file is bang on where it should be as i've overlayed in in Trimble Business Center and compared it to a Georeferenced Pointcloud completed with a laser scanner. The Pointcloud produced by Map Made Easy though has landed about 120m north west of the project. Is there any reason why the pointcloud and georeferenced tiff files are so different?
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Hi Zane
This is the LAS file. I've had to georeference it in Trimble Business Center, but i've never had this issue before. Was thinking it was something when processed in Maps Made Easy and i've not seen this before.