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Mavic 3E RTK Ortho not to scale

So far I have processed about 8 missions taken with both RC PRO mapping feature and Map Pilot Pro with RTK fixed positions in all photos. When I download the ortho into QGIS and export it into the correct coordinate system the ortho is out of scale by about 2 feet. Map Pilot Pro for M3E and the native mapping application in the RC PRO both have exactly the same results. If I process the same images in DJI Terra or Agisoft they are georeferenced and scaled perfectly. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm using 80% overlap and a local state NTRIP network.  


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I am not understanding what you are describing here. There is Map Pilot Pro, which is our data collection app and the DJI app. They are for collecting data. The other software is you named are for processing data. Are you processing your data using Maps Made Easy and you are seeing something different using other software?

Is it really out of scale or is it just offset 2 feet? We process things according to the tags that are provided in the images. if the tags are off, the imagery will be off.

Please provide screenshots to illustrate what you are describing.

Zane 0 votes
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