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Impossible to move points on grid

So I pretty much understood how the software works and I love it but the problem I have with my phone is when I try to move the little orange dots that form my grid area on my phone well I can't do it because when I press and hold on the orange dot and go to move it it just moves the map underneath. I don't see a way around us. Now if I turn off Google maps and turn it back on restart the app I have one chance where I can actually move the little orange points. But barring that there's nothing I send you able to do to move this point. Am I doing something wrong or just a bug?
Matthew Lipscomb

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I got it to work by restarting, so that's a less than ideal work around but I can live with it. Hopefully someone else will notice this too so the problem can get fixed!


Matthew Lipscomb 0 votes
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Close all other apps and make sure you are tapping on the midpoint markers. It jumps a bit when it is selected and ready to be dragged.

Zane 0 votes
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