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How can I ignore EXIF Tag Integrity Error?

I'm trying to stitch a linear pano of a property (1,200 ft in length). I was going to do a typical pano stitch in LR so I shot the photos manually in RAW flying down the property taking photos every 50ft or so at 70ft in elevation. I realize now this isn't possible as a typical pano so I'm going to try and stitch them together a flat map. The problem I'm having is MME is rejecting the JPEGS because they were created with Lightroom. I preserved all metadata but because MME can detect LR it won't touch them. The property is an hour away and I can't easily go back and reshoot. Is there a way to ignore this and upload the images anyway?

Kyle Damon

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The problem is that Lightroom replaces a lot of the actually important XMP tags with whatever it puts in there. 

Do you still have the raw images as they were recorded by the camera or did Lightroom mangle them? Maybe check your SD card?

For a Flat Map you would need an image taken at the takeoff location so if you didn't use real mapping software you likely don't have that unless you were lucky and snapped a couple on the ground. 


Zane 0 votes
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Thanks for the quick reply. I do have the RAW files still and I've tried to replace/get rid of anything different on the metadata with an EXIF editor but it's not working. I did not take a photo on the ground because I wasn't doing a traditional map. The client wants a big stretched out photo of the side of the property so I was going to try stitching with LR or another pano stitching app first and use the photos as a back up. Is there anyway I can make this work with out going back to the site? It doesn't have to be a flat map, that was just something I was going to try since it's pretty non standard. I'm using my Mavic 3 so I couldn't use a typical acquisition software.

Kyle Damon 0 votes
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RAW files are super hard to deal with and get the XMP tags in the right places. It can be done but it isn't easy. 

Our processing uses a bunch of the XMP tags DJI writes in addition to the basic EXIF stuff.

If you don't have the ground image your best hope is that you have enough overlap for the normal processing. Try using the Classic workflow in that case since it does the least tag checks. 


Zane 0 votes
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Our software won't process what you have provided as a sample. We make every effort to not accept horizontally collected images like that. Our orthophotos get resampled from above so you would get no result. 

Zane 0 votes
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oh ok, so what I'm looking for is not possible with MME? I'm just essentially looking to stitch 20 photos together just as you would from a 2D map but from the side vs from above.

Kyle Damon 0 votes
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