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Virtual control

Hi. I fly the same mission almost everyday. This morning, i load the same mission, it uploads, but as soon as i press take off, it shows "Virtual control is not allowed at this service level", how do i correct this, please?


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It looks like you have three accounts so it is hard to tell what is going on... All of them are on the Free tier though which doesn't include Virtual Stick controls. Since all of your trials have expired you would need to upgrade to at least the Base plan to get access to this feature. 

See "Virtual Stick Controls" here:

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I have the same issue on plans I've flown as recent as last week and any new plans. Has the service level been changed. I don't actually have need to fly with any features above the free service level.

Michael Cartee 0 votes
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There was a bug that was allowing access to it (and a couple of other features) when it shouldn't have been available. This issue was addressed. 

Zane 0 votes
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ya sorry - not worried about the bug. I really would just like to turn it off so I can fly my plans as usual.

Michael Cartee 0 votes
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The but is what was allowing you to fly with only Free access. Virtual Stick flight is available on the Base tier and up. 

Zane 0 votes
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Zane, sorry I'm not being clear. Let's clarify. We've been flying and mapping using map pilot pro on the free plan. We have no knowledge or concern with virtual control that you're referencing. We just want to fly and map. Are you stating that one can't fly anymore on the free plan and that we were only able to because of the virtual control bug? 

Our desire and need, if possible, is to turn off virtual control and just map like we have in the past.

Michael Cartee 0 votes
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You are using an Air 2 aircraft which relies on Virtual Stick controls instead of waypoint controls. Instead of the aircraft flying itself to preprogrammed points the app is actually issuing virtual joystick controls to visit the locations in sequence. This is Virtual Stick. You do, in fact, care about it. 

You should not have had access to it previously. That was our bad. But the issue has been fixed and it now only available as part of the Base plan, as intended. I guess consider yourself lucky that you got to use it for free for so long but if you wish to continue using it you need to be at least a Base subscriber or purchase processing points regularly. 

Zane 0 votes
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Ahh, Thank you for clarifying. I appreciate your patience

Michael Cartee 0 votes
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What is the purpose of having a free tier if only very few can use it? Is there anyone left using the free tier after the “bug” was fixed?

Scott Wahl 0 votes
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