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Loading images from a slow moving drone

I have been doing a survey of an archaeological site and to get lots of images close together for better model resolution I have reduced the map and orbit speed to 1.5mph. When trying to upload these to the DJI workflow it gives me a message saying that too many images were taken statically, which is not the case. Can I override this or is the Classic workflow my only option?



Julian Perry

Official comment


From the Data Collection guidelines that are agreed to at the time of upload:

  • Never Fly Backwards or Sideways - Collect all of your data while traveling forward. Most aerial cameras have rolling shutters and mixing forward and backward flight ruins the chances of the job turning out well.

This requirement is for both workflows. Our system doesn't want to see orbit data. You can try to upload it using the Classic workflow but it won't likely turn out well. 

For low smear imaging you could use Map Pilot Pro in a Full Grid with 70% overlap and use the STI (Stop to Image) feature to get zero smear for low GSD maps. 

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What is wrong with orbital images? How would I get to the underside and side views of an object unless using orbits. I have always used orbits in the past with models processed normally with the DJI workflow. Map imaging looks straight down and can't get all the needed information.

I never do a survey backwards or sideways; in this case I just slowed the drone down instead of trying to take pictures every 1s instead of the normal 2s.

Julian Perry 0 votes
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You camera has a rolling shutter camera and sideways flight makes the area that is recorded a rhomboid instead of a rectangle. Then the points don't match up well. 

Use full grid imaging with the gimbal tipped up 20 degrees or so for capture sides of things. 

Orbit is sideways. 

Zane 0 votes
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Ok I see what you mean about sideways with the orbitals.

The trouble with doing gimbal up map surveys is that I would need to fly at a similar height or lower than the object and so would collide with them. Perhaps flying over with a gimbal at 20degrees downward would pick up the side views quite well in a grid.

Julian Perry 0 votes
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Hi Zane,

It seems the Classic workflow has worked well despite the reservations of trapezoid images. The sketchfab model at: shows the stones clearly (the main feature of interest) while the trees are rendered as expected. In fact, where the large branches grow almost horizontally near the ground they are imaged quite well. Altogether a satisfactory result for the intended purpose.





Julian Perry 0 votes
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