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Air2s looks lost in flight

Set missions, upload, then take off, A2s lifts off about 5’ hovers and then takes off once at altitude it just starts spinning, and wandering around. It might start along a leg of the flight, then spin along off course. Once it did this and hit the second leg of the flight and finished the mission perfectly. ?????
Michael B. Scott

Official comment


We have continued to update the virtual stick controls over the past few months to allow for faster virtual stick flight and better altitude performance. This issue has likely been addressed. Please let us know if it happens again and be sure to sync your flight logs so we can see what is going on. 

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We have made some changes to the virtual stick controls recently. Please make sure your flight logs are synced and send us the link to the affected flight’s log.

Zane 0 votes
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I’m also flying a MAir2 and have had something similar happen on my first few flight attempts. The aircraft would make the initial ascent to about 3’, then as it flew to the assigned altitude, the drone would yaw 360 and fly off course. No big problem after hitting the sticks and regaining manual control, but it was disturbing. I deleted then recreated the mission and the anomaly has never reappeared but since I have no answer, it’s always in the back of my my mind.

Elliott Francis 0 votes
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