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No JPEG Output

Hi There 

for some reason the JPEG output has nothing in it see screenshot below, is there anyway i can fix this?

ben pearson

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I do not see an account for you in the system. What is the name of the map? It might have something to do with the flat map fail over or reduced resolution. Regardless, you could merge the geotiffs and create the JPEG you need.

Zane 1 vote
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Hi Zane

I'm not sure how we can merge the geotiffs to create the jpeg we need  - the output is on my account and is for the 

Te Arai Nth Course 231207 map

is there any chance you could resolve this within the system?

Chris Knapp 0 votes
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I am not sure why you (either of you) would downvote my response on that. You switched users on us here... How else were we supposed to find it besides asking?

The Flat Map Patch file doesn't really have much in it besides some trees that you didn't have enough overlap for since your overlap was SUPER minimal. 

There was an issue generating the download disposition for it since the original file was over 65k pixels. Even though it says it is 0 bytes the file is there if you click on the link. Here is the raw link:

Zane 1 vote
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Hi Zane

Thanks for the help, we are now coming into the issue of combining our two aerials, we want to keep the resolution however the photo software we currently have is not optimized very well for dealing with such a large number of pixels.

What program would you recommend for merging the aerials?

The dataset is too large to process in one go.

Chris Knapp 0 votes
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