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Double Grid Mission

Is it possible to do two missions in the same AREA for which the second mission is perpendicular to the first mission.

It seems to be the best approach for 3D elevation.

In this case, do we need to upload the all pictures from the two missions and the engine would be able to process ?

Would it be possible to plan a double grid mission in the future ?


Official comment


Yes it is. We recommend doing that to capture more detail for vertical features from all angles. All images from the perpendicular missions need to be uploaded at the same time to be included in the same model.

We have looked at adding the grid mission but a lot goes in to selecting the camera angle and layout that can't easily be captured well in the app so we feel that leaving it flexible is the best thing to do for now. The people who are actually doing this a lot are doing 3 grids...

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Zane, I guess that Stéphane Kies is asking for something a lot more simple that you are thinking. In the present MME grid, stripes all have the same direction. This way you will have a lot more errors in the overlap of photos in the way that the drone is facing than in the superimposition among stripes. This is due to motion blur (that MME reduces perfectly) and to rolling shutter in cameras that do not have a global shutter (all Dji cameras for instance). To avoid this and to have a more perfect model, as you say, people that work with precision aerial photogrammetry use a crossed grid. This crossed grid is exactly the same as the standard MME grid but with also perpendicular lines. You can make this manually in MME if we plan a survey with a certain line direction and after choose another survey with the exactly the same area and height but but with lines in 90º angle relative to the previous survey. Your camera angle problem in not existent because the camera will always be pointing to the Nadir as in the standard MME grid. I know that developers, usually, do not like to get examples from concurrent apps but I guess that it will illustrate better what king of grid is this. Images "a" and "b" are from the application that controls Sensefly eBee (eMotion2). Image a is "a" normal grin and image "b" is a perpendicular crossed grid. Current app store Pix4D capture already supports this too. See attached images. MME is far superior to Pix4D capture and it would be great to have this feature for sure. You already have everything needed in the app. It's only a question of creating crossed stripes ;-)

Best Regards

rhenriques11 0 votes
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Zane, in MME we have to do more or less a plan like in the attached image.  It would be great if MME could have this draw automatized and with Terrain Awareness :-)

rhenriques11 0 votes
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If it is something that people are finding useful we will look into it. Thanks for the feedback and examples.

Zane 0 votes
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Thank you so much Zane. It's useful and, for complex terrain, it's necessary to avoid certain sources of error, even with DGPS Ground Control Points. I guess that it will be something easy to implement in MME as an optional feature, such as in eMotion for eBee.

Best Regards.

rhenriques11 0 votes
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Since the latest version the Double Grid is available with Terrain Awareness (this is awesome!!).

I want to ask if it is better to leave the camera angle to nadir or maybe at slight angle in the second (perpendicular) grid? Is it possible to change the camera angle during the mission?

George 0 votes
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Just tested and it's a very nice implementation of this feature!! Congratulations.

rhenriques11 1 vote
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The Gimbal angle control is in the Camera Control tab of the settings menu (on the far right).  

Zane 1 vote
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You can also always use the left gimbal adjustment wheel on the remote at any time.

Zane 1 vote
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I flew a double grid mission today that went perfect!

The only thing I need now is to have custom terrain loaded and fly with it as reference instead of the SRTM global elevation model.

George 0 votes
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I can not find the option to make the double grid. Can you please help me?

Paco Tronch 2 votes
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Apparently this never got updated but there is now a Grid mission type in the Options menu. You can select Normal, Grid, or Linear missions types. 

Tudor 0 votes
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