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DJI Mini 3 - The app crashed 4 times along the mission

Hi Zane!

DJI Mini 3  (firmware 01.00.0300)

DJI RC N1 (firmware 04.16.0400)

Samsung Galaxy S10e (Android 12)

The app (V 1.6.10e) crashed (suddenly closed) 4 times along my last mission. After each crash, i reopened the mission (with the drone rovering in the air) and it re-started from the last blue dot (where the drone was rovering). The signal was very good all the time and i dont touch any botton or stick. I dont know why it happens.

On the 3 flight (after the 3 app crash) i needed to change battery, so i pressed RTH on the app and the drone returned to the begining of the 3 flight and i needed to assume the control to bring the drone back for me (almost without battery).

PS:  I used the last function added to the app (bag botton) and downloaded the mission before. So my Smarthphone was in airplane mode along all the mission and crashes.

The questions are:

1) This app crashes with the DJI Mini 3 are normal, or im doing something wrong? Or unfortunetly its a limitation of the Drone/SDK? There is something i can do to minimize/avoid this app crashes?

2) There is something to do to hold the original (First) Home Point? Because it changes after each time that i need to reopen the mission (with the drone rovering in the air) after app crashes.

Best Regards!

Maurício Machado


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How much RAM does your device have? 4GB should be considered the bare minimum but it will work much more reliably with a device that has 6GB or more. 

Make sure all other drone related apps are FULLY closed while musing Map Pilot Pro. 

Make sure your firmware is all up to date. Everything thinks they are fully up to date but please check. The Mini 3 is kind of a weird aircraft that DJI doesn't seem to be maintaining very well. 

Zane 0 votes
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Ok, Zane.

The Samsung Galaxy S10e has 6GB of RAM.

I carefully close all other apps always before open Map Pilot Pro.

I`ll try the next mission with a more recent smarthphone (8GB RAM + Android 13). 

Machadoagri 0 votes
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It looks like you had less than 1 GB available though so that is likely the cause. 

Zane 0 votes
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About the 2 question i did:

If i turn on the "Movable Home Point", the Home Poin will be always my location (pilot)?

In my last misson I almost lost the aircraft. The aircraft returned automatically to Home (battery was 20%), but the Home was where the drone began the 3 flight, after the app crashed (but i didn`t know). And while the drone was returning the app crashed again. So I opened DJI Fly and taked control. The drone was almost landing on the top of a tree.

Machadoagri 0 votes
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Yes, Movable Home Point makes it so the home point location gets updated with motion of the mobile device. If this is not enabled the home point location will not move from where the aircraft takes off. 


Zane 0 votes
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