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Phantom 3 Advanced fails to complete mission


Official comment


Has your aircraft been crashed ever?

This could be a gimbal overload hardware error that can occur in corners when the gimbal motor shafts are slightly bent and the motors require and unexpected amount of power.

If it hasn't been crashed, make sure your IMU and gimbal calibrations are all up to date.

If you have access to another DJI aircraft, try using that to see if it is an issue with your hardware or the flight control in general.

Map Pilot is not actually in control at all when flight is occurring. A flight plan is loaded to the aircraft and the aircraft executes it so there isn't much opportunity for us to fix this issue as it is likely hardware related.

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In 3 of 4 cases the drone (Phantom 3 Advanced) fails to complete the mission. It moves along the flight path, takes photos as planned for some flight lines und stops midair when it turns to begin the next flight line. 

I am using Map Pilot for DJI Version 1.5.0. The drone and controller are using firmware  v1.7.0060. The problems also accured with the older firmware version v.1.6.


Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?

Best regards


Lars Ungerechts

Ungerechts 0 votes
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Thank you so much for answering that fast!


My aircraft has never crashed. The last time I checked IMU and GIMBAL calibration using the  DJI GO APP everything looked fine... soon as I have time and the weather permits test flights I´ll do a recalibration and some test flights.


By the way: Keep up your fabolus work on your app! It´s really a great piece of software. I am just missing a possibility  to set the image overlap and sidelap independently.

Have a great day



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