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Full screen viewing questions

Hi - 

Two related questions:

1) when viewing a map in Full Screen, I right click to get the XY coordinates of a location.  That pulls up a dialog box with the XY info.  That box will NOT allow me to copy and paste for some reason....that box is smaller and will not let me select the text in it, for some reason.  Any ideas on making it so I can copy (and paste) the XY coordinates?


2) if I right click on the map NOT in full screen (from the Map Detail page, where the map is only about half the screen size), that pulls up a different dialogue box which does allow me to copy the XY coordinates, which can be pasted into excel sheet.  I'd rather just get the XY off the Full Screen, but if I must go back to Map Detail page, how to do this?  The Map Detail page has a button to go to the Full Screen, but I don't see any button on the Full Screen to go back to the Map Detail page?


3) Even better would be if I could annotate the map with the XY coordinates, but I don't think that is possible?

My map is



Mike Borkowski

Official comment


The full screen version is going to be browser dependent on whether or not you can copy and paste it since it is using the standard browser "alert" feature. The bigger one you see on the Map Detail page is loaded by all the other stuff we have going on there. We want the public versions to not have any MME styling for people who are embedding it.

The copy and pasting is working for all the computer we have tested it on, Mac and Windows.

When sharing maps, make sure you are using the public version that has "public" in the url instead of "detail".

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