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Post processing exposure compensation with lightroom

Does anyone know how to keep the location data in the jpegs when exporting mapping photos from lightroom?

Justin Cooper

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I spent 3 hours on the phone with Adobe to sort it out. You have to import all photos then go to map. Highlight all of your photos and click the second mouse button, go to meta data and read meta data. Then go to devop and select all pictures then edit expore. Sync all the photos but only have the exposure box checked off. Then go to export and scroll down, select jpeg and 100 percent quality, scroll down to meta data and make sure all boxes are unchecked and all meta data is selected from the drop down. Then export and your done. If you run into any problems export in TIFF format. 


Justin Cooper 1 vote
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Just want to add that I use Lightroom to adjust the whole set of photos, and I sync ALL the corrections across all images. Not just exposure.

The key is in the Export Dialog to retain all Exif data..

Dave Pitman 1 vote
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