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Google Earth and Google Maps

Can I embed the results from the map on Google Maps?


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Yes. We generate a 250k face 3D KMZ file for use in Google Earth and SketchUp. We offer a web map version that is similar to Google Maps as seen in our samples. It is not Google Maps though because it is REALLY expensive for non-public stuff.

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I've had trouble importing the KMZ file into Google Earth. The camera flies to the location, but I don't see my data.

Tom 0 votes
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The KMZ file is a very large KMZ file. It can take a few minutes to load even on a pretty fast computer. Once it is loaded (the status spinner stops), the altitude needs to be adjusted so it shows above the Google Earth plane.

To adjust the altitude:
- Right click on the layer in the "Places" window
- Select "Get Info"
- Choose the "Altitude" tab
- Slide the altitude slider up until your layer comes in to view.

Tudor 0 votes
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Is it possible to download Google Maps Tiles from Mapsmadeeasy? I really need this function for our work.

Screet 0 votes
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Maps Made Easy doesn't use Google Maps tiles for anything (yet). 

If you are talking about getting the map tiles that are created by Maps Made Easy you can use them using the following plugin that was created by a Google Maps employee and Maps Made Easy user:


GeoTiffs can be used with Google Earth Pro but dealing with GeoTiffs on web maps is hard. That is why we tile them up for you. We have a tool that one of our users created and it will likely get you to where you are trying to go.

Click on "Add New Layer" and select the "Generic TMS" tab. 
From there you can give it a name and a pointer to the tile layer generated by Maps Made Easy.

This tile layer address can be build using the following steps: 
1. Right click on the page to "View Page Source" to view the raw source code. 
2. Search for "var my_layer = L.tileLayer" 
3. Copy the part of that line that starts with "" and ends with "{z}/{x}/{y}.png". Make sure to get everything in between. 
4. Paste that tile layer URL into the "URL" section on the "Generic TMS" tab in the

The format is:{x}/useruuid/mapuuid/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

The x, y and z are the standard indexes for a TMS tile server (opposite y of Google). The 'd' before "-tiles" is the last character of mapuuid. The misplaced X and the 'd' help for Amazon S3 indexing being spread out among different servers.

Zane 0 votes
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I'm trying to access the tile layer just as you have suggested in the previous post so that I can load it into a custom page. It works for overlayers but I get access denied for anything else. Is it possible to access the tiles using that method for other custom pages?



Michael Duff 0 votes
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The format shown for the tile layers will work in Leaflet (what we use). Google Maps uses a different format for the tiles and you have to invert the y portion of the link.

Zane 0 votes
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Your map's tiles only exist at 

8.282195, -13.184892

You are telling your map to be centered at 19.04469, 72.9258 which has no tiles.

Also, tms: true is important. Stick that by maxZoom: 18 and it works.

When rolling your own maps, please set the bounds and add them like we do to prevent errant file requests when you scroll away from that area. We will turn the map's file requests off it you don't.

Look for this in our source and do it:

var southWest = L.latLng(8.2805694, -13.1862995;
var northEast = L.latLng(8.2835686, -13.1833731);
var bounds = L.latLngBounds(southWest, northEast);

Then add bounds: bounds under the tms: true

Zane 0 votes
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