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Mapping Output (following on from any post re max amount of images)

Zane, I am not getting any further with this project. 

The first attempt completed a full 2d Map but the GEO Tiff file only went for a certain section and then blank. Looking at the map, it has shown the attached (screenshots 1, 2 & 3). I wondered if this was something to do with the resolution so I have tried again at full resolution but the file was too big before I got to the end. Ive then noticed I needed more points, so I have purchased them. When trying again at 1/2 resolution, I get to my final sections now and they won't load and I am getting this new message (screenshot 4). Ive not had a problem uploading these images before. Why are they a problem now? As it stands I can't complete the project and I have put money down to do so. I hope you can help. Look forward to hearing from you.

I posted this quite a while back so if someone could please get back to me soon I would appreciate it 


Ross Yeates

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Sorry for the delay. Not sure how this got missed. The processing on all that was pretty normal. The southern section was able to use photogrammetry to match the images and gave a 3D result. The rest of the northern section was filled in with the Flat Map failover due to lack of overlap. You had some gaps in there and you have to have contiguous date for the photogrammetry processed section to be continuous. You should have a decent amount of overlap between adjacent sections. At least the failover was able to provide a result for the other areas. 

Send us a sample of the image that is not being accepted so we can take a look at it. If you have used any software to process the images that would be the likely cause of the tag damage.

Zane 0 votes
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Hi Zane 

So the initial photos which created the problem have started working however, another batch are now not, which have 100% worked previously. 

I actually cannot upload it as it is larger than 2MB.

Please let me know, I just sadly keep coming up against problems at the moment with this project.  

Ross Yeates 0 votes
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Hi Zane 

Can I find a way of sending you the photo that is now producing the problem? Is it possible to email it across to you? 

Ross Yeates 0 votes
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