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Elevation Changes in Manual Georeferencing

When I used the Manual Georeferencing option on  a recent map, I included elevation.  However, the second map elevations are not in line with the reference points.  Will the volume functions still work accurately?

Mdinneen Aggrok

Official comment


The model shape doesn't get changed when doing the manual rereferencing other than getting stretched a bit in X and Y. The elevation offset that gets applied is just an offset and tries to minimize the error between the values you supply in the GCPs and how we can offset and rotate the model to fit it. They will not be exact. We optimize for accuracy in latitude and longitude first and elevation second. 

But, the volume calculations will still work. They are a relative measurement. So assuming the elevations are not WAY off or the tilt is really bad the accuracy of the volumes shouldn't change much. You can compare it yourself by making a measurement on your original and on the realigned version and comparing them. 

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Thank you for the information.  

One more question.  Why is the reference elevation different?  The original file uses the 700 elevation and the new file uses the 2400 elevation.

Mdinneen Aggrok 0 votes
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The elevations need to be provided in meters. It looks like you provided the elevations at around 713 meters which is going to show as 2400-ish feet. 

Zane 0 votes
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