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Coordinates system

Hi, what coordinates system do you recommend to choose from Dronedeploy mapping mission in order to process later in MapsMadeEasy? Basically in dronedepoy mission planning one can choose the coordinate system depending on the output will use, in this case will process in MapsMadeEasy, hence the question, thanks

We are based in Chile

Tomás Valenzuela

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DJI aircraft tag their data using WGS84 so there shouldn't be anything that needs to be changed. How you plan your flight is up to you but we recommend that you use Map Pilot Pro to keep from doing something weird. As long as the images follow our Data Collection guidelines there shouldn't be a problem. 

Zane 0 votes
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Ok thanks, Map Pilot Pro is paid right? What's the cost? Used to use (and paid) Map Pilot until it got cancelled

Tomás Valenzuela 0 votes
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Map Pilot Pro is free to use with the best default settings. If you want to use the more advanced features you need to have subscription access or have access from a map processing points purchase (which is what you had previously). The access you had from your May 10 points purchased has expired. 

Zane 0 votes
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