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Mavic 2 Pro no camera view/live images.

Hi, I’ve been using MME for some time now with both my Mavic 2P and Mini 3P. For the last few outings I’ve had no live view from the camera on the M2P before or while performing a mission. I haven’t experienced this before. The camera work fine with all the other apps that I use. All the firmware is up to date and the newest app version. Has anyone else been having this issue.

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We do not usually test with the M2P and the DJI Smart Controller. Did this combo work previously? Do you have the normal M2P remote to test with?

It might have been a firmware version or something that changed it.

It seems like you were using 1.5.1 recently with that setup and then upgraded to 1.6.2. Was it working with 1.5.1 but is now not working? 

Zane 0 votes
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