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Unrecognized Battery Preventing Flight Start in Android Only


I use a DJI M200 to capture imagery with Map Pilot Pro for Android (Galaxy Tab Active 2). I was able to successfully complete flights with the android app as recently as 4/27/2023. Before starting up MPP for a flight yesterday DJI Pilot completed a firmware update for the M200. After calibrating the drone, I went to start a flight in Map Pilot Pro, and received an 'Unrecognized Battery' error. I could not bypass this error to begin the flight. My controller recognizes the drone battery and shows the battery power percentages, as does the DJI Pilot app. The Android app for Map Pilot Pro was not showing any power percentages for the DJI controller or drone batteries. I tried three different sets of fully charged batteries, with no change in the error. In a pinch, I was able to switch over to an apple product with Map Pilot Pro and complete the flight. The apple version of the Map Pilot Pro was able to recognize the controller and drone batteries, showing their percent charges. Considering DJI apps and the apple version of Map Pilot Pro are not having issues recognizing the batteries, I am assuming there is something up with the Android app? I am using the latest version of Map Pilot Pro (1.4.4a) and Android Version 13.

Jon Cherico

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I don't think there should be any issue caused by the update from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4. I don't see an account for you in the system so I can see what the last version you used successfully was. 

Definitely make sure that all other drone related apps are fully closed when using Map Pilot Pro (including the DJI app). 

If you want to download 1.4.3 and give it a try you can:


Zane 0 votes
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Thanks, Zane. The account would be under the name caleighshoot. I did close other apps as well before flying, but will give it another go the next time I am out flying.

Jon Cherico 0 votes
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I attempted to fly again yesterday, again ensuring that DJI Pilot was closed, and ran into the same issue. In addition to getting an "Unitialized Battery" warning, I received a warning that I did not have enough battery to complete the flight, when the drone batteries were at 98% and the remote battery was at 95%. The total flight time was less than 20 minutes when I switched over to an iPad and completed the flight with Map Pilot Pro for iOS. The android app seems to be failing to recognize the batteries altogether on the M200, while the iOS app has no issues at all.

Jon Cherico 0 votes
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Please make sure all of the batteries are properly calibrated and have their firmware up to date. Once you post a couple of log files with that we will be able to look into it. 

Zane 0 votes
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