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Map Pilot Pro - Mavic 3M - Camera Settings Unavailable


I have recently upgraded to PRO account as I was very pleased to see support for the M3M on the M3M Remote - Thanks for that.

Which Flight Camera Model should I be using? Is it M3M - Visual or just M3M?

There are two settings for frame rate - Imaging Frame Rate and Image Frame Rate - what do each of these do?

When I access the new map screen, I see that I cannot amend any camera settings, how do I do this please?

Jamie Brookes

Official comment


The M3M should find everything automatically. For planning purposes you would select the M3M Visual unless you are doing a multispectral data collection mission. 

There is SD card write speed which lets you tell the app how quickly the card can accept images. It is less important on the Enterprise aircraft since the cameras are much better and can write the images faster. The M3M is supposed to support an Imaging Frame Rate of up to 1 image per second so you could put the fastest setting in the SD card write speed to support that. 

Then in the Imaging Frame Rate select 1.5 or slower. We haven't had much luck with the fastest speeds DJI allows. 

We will look into the camera settings on the M3M. It is basically the exact same camera as the M3E but there might be differences in the camera settings. 

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I am using 1.3.2e build 022420231 installed from apk,

Aircraft Firmware 05.02.0506

Remote Controller Firmware 02.00.0303


Jamie Brookes 1 vote
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Hi Zane,

Thanks for this, I just need a little more clarification please. 

- I do want to use this for multispectral as well, so I would choose M3M Visual for a normal RGB mission and M3M for Multispectral?

- Do I get to choose Multispectra camera settings or are they fixed?

- How can I record both RGB and Multispectral data at the same time?

- There are two image write speed selection options, what do each of them do? Do I set Image Write Speed to 1p/s and Imaging Write Speed to 1.5p/s?

Thanks for the info on camera settings, will this need a new version of the app to sort? Should it look the same as other drones, i.e. I can select M or A or S then adjust the parameters?

Jamie Brookes 1 vote
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Yikes. One of those is supposed to be hidden for the Enterprise build. That will be fixed in the next release. Use the one that has 1.3 sec/image in it. 

Every time we tell it to take an image MS images and visual images will be recorded. 

If there is not a different M3M camera that is selectable in this build there will be in the future. Visual would mean it is using the RGB camera size for the overlap layout. 

We will get the camera settings in there soon too. 

Zane 1 vote
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Awesome, thanks very much for your help.

May I just ask when the next release is planned? I have 2000 hectares to map in April and I'd love to have the confidence that I can plan flights using MPP

Jamie Brookes 1 vote
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We have already fixed that issue. There will probably be something new out later this week.  

Zane 1 vote
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Apparently the camera settings for the Enterprise aircraft supported by V5 of the DJI SDK are not quite working yet. DJI hasn't provided an update in the last 3 months. 

We will see what can be done but we might not be able to get all the settings working until there is an update from DJI.


Zane 1 vote
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Hi Zane, 

Thanks so much to you and the team for your work on the app, it's much improved. Understand the point about the SDK and fair enough there's only so much you can do!

If I may ask another couple of questions please: 

Regarding the camera, the Autofocus/Manual Focus setting is greyed out and the white balance doesn't seem to have any effect, are these settings those affected by the SDK? 

Regarding RTK, I shouldnt first connect to DJI Pilot 2 right? I can do everything from MPP? 

I've got the RTK connection working - great! I have noticed that even when connected, Base and mobile satellite numbers stay only at 4, and the base height stays at 0. 

To make proper use of the RTK system on the Mavic, it's necessary to have more information. Is it possible to have a similar set of information that DJI display in Pilot 2? Signal Strength and projected error (standard deviation as shown) are absolutely critical to monitor throughout the mapping mission or there's a real risk of poor results. Viewing XY positioning of the base (to check the drone is reading it correctly) is also required. Is this something that can be implemented?

Again, I'm really grateful to you guys because MPP is the best mapping software - hands down. Just as a side note, I updated the M3M to it's latest firmware and all seems OK, but I haven't flown yet. 

  • Aircraft Firmware: v06.01.06.06
  • Remote Controller Firmware: v02.00.04.07
Jamie Brookes 1 vote
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