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Promotional Points used despite failure


Similar to this post, I think - 360076795132-Mission-upload-constantly-fails-but-has-used-up-all-my-promotional-points-?input_string=Promotional points used on failure

I uploaded 600+ photos to a new map. The upload appeared to go successfully but then I got an error saying I didn't have enough points.

This wasn't a total surprise to me as I didn't think the 300 promotional points would be enough.

Anyway, I bought some points and have a second attempt uploading now, but this time it says I have zero promotional points available.

Is this expected? I would have thought the promotional points would still be available because, as far as I can tell, no processing was done on the first attempt, only uploading.

Chris Walker

Official comment


You seem to have a couple of accounts going, which may be the source of the confusion... That is generally frowned upon.

All of your points are still there in the account under which they were purchased. None of your accounts have any promotional point balance.  

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I created a second account to verify the issue because I’m a new user and suspected user error at first, but no, it’s not user error.

Steps to reproduce:
1: have some promotional points
2: try to create a map that requires more points than you have
3: upload completes before you receive an error message about insufficient points
4: map creation stops and whatever points you had are gone

As you can see, I have only one map in this account. It was created entirely using points that I paid for, so what happened to my promotional points?

In the first account, only 1/3 of the points were used before before the same issue caused the remaining 2/3 to vanish.

Chris Walker 0 votes
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Step 1 is likely the problem. Why do you think you have promotional points? Your accounts are both too new to have them. We use to give 500 promotional points with new accounts but have not done so for over two years. 

Zane 0 votes
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I may have used the wrong terminology, I'm referring to the 3 gigapixels included in the Pro trial.

Chris Walker 0 votes
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It looks like when you made a purchase of 1500 points the Pro Trial ended and you were granted Base level app-only access for 30 days as an add-on to your point purchase? 

Zane 0 votes
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Yep, but this all happened during the trial.

Essentially, I didn't get the 3gigapixels of processing as part of being in the pro trial.

I submitted a job which was larger than 3MP. It allowed me to upload all the photos but then failed when the processing started because I hadn't bought any points and the 3MP of processing wasn't sufficient.

After I bought the points and went to submit the job for a second time, the 3MP of processing was no longer available.

Chris Walker 0 votes
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All of your trials were shut off as soon as you created multiple accounts. 

Zane 0 votes
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That would be fair enough, except I had the same issue in my original account and only created the second account to verify the issue before raising it here.

Chris Walker 0 votes
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Anyway, I'm not asking for it back, but there is something going on with your platform where the 3MP of processing is consumed despite the fact jobs fail.

Chris Walker 0 votes
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You didn't have any purchased points in your first account. It would have shown that you were on a Pro Trial until 15 days later or when the second account was created. You created the second account which invalidated both trials and you purchased points in the second one. Then you ran a map with your purchased points. 

The initial trial with Pro access would have allowed you to process up to 3 gigapixels worth of imagery without further charge. 

I am really not understanding what you expected to happen vs what actually happened. No one else is having trouble with their Pro trial accounts (hundreds per day). 

Are you sure you didn't create a new account by accident and purchase the points in that?

Zane 0 votes
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I don't see any failed jobs in either of your accounts. You get 3 GP of free processing not once, but throughout the trial. You likely saw it once but then lost the extra processing from having the multiple accounts.  

Zane 0 votes
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I had the first trial for about 3 days before the 3MP worth of processing vanished. It vanished before I created the second account.

I opened my first account and attempted to process large job, much larger than 3MP, and it failed (not surprisingly). I expected that the job would simply be cancelled and that I could resubmit it as a smaller job in order to use the 3MP of processing. However, when I tried to submit it as a smaller job, the 3MP worth of processing was no longer available.

This is the issue, I'm discussing. At this point I had one account and was at about day 3 of the trial.

I then opened a second account in order to see if I could recreate the issue a second time, before raising it here, and I could.

To be clear, I didn't create the second account as a way of extending/renewing the trial. It was simply to confirm the issue before I raised it here.

Chris Walker 0 votes
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Are you sure you weren't using the Classic workflow? If you attempted to use the Classic workflow that would not show you the trial discount since the subscriptions do not cover the Classic workflow.

Another reason the Pro processing allotment might not have shown up while you were on a trial is if you selected the "Full 3D" processing option which is not included in the subscriptions. 

Aside from those, there is no reason the trial would have been ended based on what you are describing. 

Zane 0 votes
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One what in each account?

When you have an active trial going you get the first 3 gigapixels of processing for free. Once the trial is ended you do not get this anymore unless you are on an active subscription. 

Zane 0 votes
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