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Erro Limit 2000m

 Olá, eu trabalho com MAPA Piloto para IOS em um IPAD Air e um Phantom 4 Pro, e eu preciso mapear uma rodovia com o recurso de missão de linha, o problema é que eu preciso de uma carga de bateria para Ele. Quando eu faço upload de planos acima de 2000m em uma única linha, eu sou impedido de prosseguir devido a um aviso de erro na distância entre waypoints. Como resolver este erro e executar o meu plano de voo em missão de linha com mais de 2000m? E se possível, como impedir que o zangão volte para casa automaticamente? O problema é com o aplicativo DJI GSP eu posso fazer 7 km de vôos normalmente, mas o que mais importa para mim não MAPA Piloto é uma possibilidade de importar um KML, já que em meu trabalho eu preciso. Ps: fazemos monitoramento ferroviário aqui no Brasil

Augusto Mota

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Hello, I work with MAP Pilot for IOS on an IPAD Air and a Phantom 4 Pro, and I need to map a highway with the line mission feature, the problem is that I need to do long flights because I have a battery charge for it. When I make upload flight plans above 2000m in a single line I am prevented from proceeding due to an error warning in the distance between waypoints. How to solve this error and execute my flight plan in line mission with more than 2000m? And if possible, how to prevent the drone from returning home automatically?

The detail is that with the DJI GSP app I can do 7km flights normally, but what matters most to me in MAP Pilot is the possibility of importing a KML, since in my work I need.

P.s: we do railway monitoring here in Brazil.


english version*

Augusto Mota 0 votes
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You can add more waypoints to make it so it will be able to go further distances. You cannot have more than 2000 meters between points. The 2000 meter limit is a limitation that DJI has in place and we cannot change it.

You can always take the aircraft over and land it manually if you don't want it to come home automatically.  


Zane 0 votes
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So is it possible to create plans with more than 2000m of mission online? If the distance between waypoints is less than 2000m? how do I do that?


Can I make flight plans where the distance from the starting waypoint and the final waypoint is greater than 2000m? Because I saw in DJI Support that I can configure the distance of up to 8000m. MAP Pilot for ios, does it support this?

Augusto Mota 0 votes
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Nice post.

What shall we do in case we have a linear mission for a strait highway of 10 km for example. Shall we segragate the project into 5 segments (2000m each) ?

Zahi Khawand 0 votes
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Just put a bunch of markers down in a row and it will be fine. The start and end points (red and green dots) will need to be within 2KM of the takeoff point too since those legs get checked too.

Zane 0 votes
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I'm having the same problem with my Inspire 1 Pro.  I tried rebooting everything, redownloading the app and making sure my home point wasn't off somewhere crazy.  I was within my 180-200 acre boundary and added several points along my boundary when creating, but still got the waypoint distance exceeding 2000m every time.  I know for sure no point in the target area was anywhere close to 2000m away from the takeoff point.  I've never had this happen until today and a guy I work with is experiencing the same.  We both just updated the app to version 2.4.2.

micahd21 0 votes
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Micah: Please show a screenshot of your blue path verification line and the error message. That will tell us where it thinks the home point is. 

This error is thrown automatically by the DJI SDK. If there is more than 2000m between programmed waypoints it will be thrown.

Zane 0 votes
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