Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

Classic Workflow

Tudor -

This workflow is our old uploader workflow that can be used with non-DJI cameras. It only requires basic GPS tags. 


Assuming that you have already created and verified your account, now that you have some images (our sample data or your own) we can start the Job Submission process.

While it may seem like a lot of steps, it isn't a lot of work. There is no technical knowledge or background needed. Most of the steps are just to allow us to make sure things will work out well for you.

Once logged in you will be in your Dashboard which has links to all of your completed and pending maps as well as some information about your account's point balance.

To start making your first map, select New under the Maps menu at the top of the browser window:


Once on the Create a New Map page, you can select from a few different ways to submit your data. Since your imagery (and ours) is likely recorded by a drone that geotags the images, we will select the Classic Workflow workflow. This means that all of the positional information for the map will be read directly from the image files themselves. No manual inputs will be required.



The next screen will bring up a tabbed window that will guide you through the process and make sure that everything that is needed is entered. For each tab, there are a few boxes. Each of these boxes needs to be Green before you will be able to advance to the next tab by hitting the Next button. 

The first tab is the Map Info tab. All that is needed here is a name and a description for the new map.


The next tab is the Select Images tab. Here you are asked to verify some information about the images you will be uploading and to select which images to upload. Check the three checkboxes and press the Select Images to Upload button. This will bring up a file selector dialog with which you will select all the images that we dragged off the SD card in the previous step. If you are uploading more than 200 images you will be asked to select the images again and won't be provided the opportunity to review the images in the browser in a future step.


The next tab is the Test EXIF Tags tab. EXIF tags are the bits of information that are embedded in the image files that tell our service where the image was taken. Press the Choose File button and select one of the images you will be uploading. Selecting one of the images this way gives the browser access to open that file and read its tags to make sure they are valid. 

If everything is valid and the numbers make sense, check the Verify EXIF Information checkbox and hit the Next button.


The next tab is the Verify Images tab. If you have selected less than 200 images to upload there will be thumbnails of the images shown here and you have one last chance to sift through them to make sure that is what you intended to upload. If an image looks like it was part of a different data set or doesn't meet our Data Collection guidelines you can hit the cancel button to keep it from being uploaded.

If you are uploading more than 200 images you will need to do this image checking step within your normal file browser. Generating lots of thumbnails can cause issues with some browsers.

Once all the images look good, check the Image Check checkbox and hit the Next button.



The next tag is the Point Use tab. This tab shows a calculation of how many points will be used in the processing of the selected imagery. Select Normal in the Select Urgency box. This will guarantee that it will be started in the next 24 hours, but more than 98% of the time it will start almost immediately. Faster options are available but are generally reserved for businesses that need it as soon as possible guaranteed. 

There are a few different options in the Processing Options box. Some affect the point total, some don't. Leave those alone for now and hit the Next button to move on.

All jobs of 250 points or less are free.


The next tab is the Georeference tab and it gives you a chance to see on an existing map where the images were taken. If the location in the map looks like where the images came from check the Verify EXIF Location checkbox and hit Next to continue. If the location of the map is wrong, there is an issue with your tags and the processing will likely fail.



The final tab is the Upload and Process tab. It gives you a chance to review the entered information and approve the kickoff of the job.

Check the Final Review checkbox and hit the Upload Now button to start the upload process.


Image Upload

The Uploading screen will show all of the images being uploaded to our server for processing. The processing of the job will not start and points will not be removed from your account until all images have been successfully uploaded.


Once the uploads are complete, there will be a brief popup while some preprocessing is done on the images.


Then you will be presented with the Map Detail page for the newly created map. It will be updated as the processing progresses.

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