Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

Data Transfer Overview Video

Tudor -

Map Pilot Pro allows you to download data directly from the aircraft to your iOS device so you can review it in the field. You can also skip handling the SD card and computer by uploading directly to Maps Made Easy for photogrammetry or Flat Maps processing.

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    Arthur Moehrke

    After downloading the images how do I then download the images from the ipad for processing on 3rd party software.?

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    The data only gets transferred for upload to Maps Made Easy for processing. If you wish to access the files you would need to do so using the SD card in the camera.

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    Arthur Moehrke

    Is it possible to download from MME then? We process on a specialist software and need the raw images.

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    Not really. That would be a very manual process. You can email us about making special arrangements.

    Are you not getting our email support responses? We answered this question and your question about the mission speed via email yesterday. Please make sure email addresses are whitelisted in your email system.

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    Arthur Moehrke

    Sorry Zane I didn't receive any yesterday but they have been coming through today. I have checked the email settings and they are correct

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    Sam Roberts

    HELP.. Just flew a test flight - Mavic Air 2.
    flight went great. i can see that it captured 117 images.
    but now in data transfer i get the error
    "Media Download Not Supported with this Aircraft"


    data capture was set to Jpeg.. perhaps this was my problem.. ??

    Edited by Sam Roberts
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    Not all aircraft support the data transfer feature. In those cases you have to transfer the images from the SD card to Maps Made Easy manually.

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    Sam Roberts

    Thank you for the quick response.. ive done that using the web platform and have submitted what i think i want.. fingers crossed..

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