Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

Sharing Missions Between Devices

Tudor -


From the home screen, press the 'Mission Plans' button to show the list of missions that are currently saved on the device. 


Long press on the mission you would like to send to another device. Doing so will bring up the standard iOS file sharing dialog.


Choose either 'AirDrop' if sending it to a nearby Apple device or 'Mail' if sending to a remote user.  

If 'AirDrop' is selected, choose the name of the device you want to send it to and select 'Send'. If 'Mail' is selected the file will be sent as an attachment. Fill in an email address to send the file to, give it a subject and hit the send button. 



 On the receiving end the user will get an email that shows a .mme file as an attachment. 


Tap on the icon for the attachment and it will bring up a text readout of the .mme file. 


Click on the up arrow/box icon in the upper right corner. This will bring up the standard iOS file handling dialog. Choose Map Pilot AG if it is showing. If Map Pilot AG is not showing as an option click on the 'More' icon with three dots to get more options. 


Select 'Copy to Map Pilot'. If you have multiple different versions of Map Pilot on your device make sure you are selecting the right one. 


Once you click on this the mission will show at the top of the the 'Mission Plans' screen.


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