Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

Thermal Camera Support

Zane -

Maps Made Easy is fully capable of processing radiometric JPG (R-JPG) thermal images that are created using DJI's radiometric cameras (XT and XT2 models). To handle the thermal mapping process, a few non-standard tricks are used to prepare the imagery for photogrammetric processing so the produced map will be useful and make sense to the viewer. 

The images get preprocessed to equalize the color mapping across the entire image set and then processed with a few specific optimization settings.

The result, when using an XT2 camera that records both visible and thermal images, is a map like the one below that allows you to see the temperature of everything within the covered area. The thermal layer can then be hidden to see what is creating the hotter and colder areas.

In the map below you can see the the cooler orange areas in the shadows and the warmer green areas on the sunny side of the logs surrounding the parking area.

Currently, this capability is only offered to those who have purchased their XT/XT2 cameras from Drones Made Easy. 

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