For most flights, the SRTM data is good enough. But for when the flight needs to be super low or the terrain has cliffs, steep slopes, or structures it may help to have some more resolution.
To handle these new potential sources, we have added a selector that tells you the name of the source, how many sources are available, and what the GSD of the sources is.
Steps to create a Terrain Aware Flight with an alternate data source:
- Lay out your flight.
- Open the Terrain Awareness panel in the Options Menu. The purple dot that denotes the takeoff location or the aircraft location's red triangle is required to pull the list of surrounding maps. All maps within 1 km will be shown.
- Select the elevation data source. SRTM is selected by default, is global, and has a GSD of 30m/pixel.
As long as you are logged in to Maps Made Easy in Map Pilot and are able to use Terrain Awareness Map Pilot will pull all local data sources from your account and supply them as terrain data source options.
All flight is done relative to the data source so the takeoff location and all waypoints must be within the covered area.
All terrain data is loaded directly from Maps Made Easy. To upload your own terrain data sources to Maps Made Easy to use in Map Pilot please refer to this article: