Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

API Web Interface - Testing in the browser

Tudor -

For ease of testing and sample JSON code generation Maps Made Easy provides an easy to use web browser based interface to the API. This interface can be found at  

Pressing the "Options" button will give the user more information as to what elements are required and what their formats should be.

Kicking off an API job is as simple as filling in the required from data (as shown below) and hitting the "POST" button. 

The real work on the API user's end is getting the S3 or Google Cloud Storage set up to be pulled from properly.


Calculating Total Points

Total Points = Image X Resolution * Image Y Resolution * Number of Images * .2 

This value is then rounded down to the nearest whole value. 


Web Interface Job Listing



Below are some screenshots of examples of how easy it is to POST jobs using the API Web Interface

Web Interface Job Submission Form


Web Interface Raw Data Submission


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