Tag Pilot relies heavily on the Maps Made Easy offline terrain database to enable its advanced feature set. Without following these instructions there isn't much that can be done with the app.
In order to be able to access the terrain data with Tag Pilot, a valid Maps Made Easy Access Password must be entered in the settings. Think of an Access Password as a password that allows the app to download the data. Once terrain data is downloaded for an area it is available for offline use in tagging and terrain adjusted flights.
To get the Access Password you will need a Maps Made Easy account. Once you are logged in to your Maps Made Easy account, go to https://www.mapsmadeeasy.com/profile on your mobile device and copy the value in the "Access Password for 3rd Party Applications" box so you can paste it into the Tag Pilot settings box labeled "Access Password".
If the "Access Password for External Use" entry is blank on the Maps Made Easy page, push the "Request New Password" button to get one. If at any time you need to change your password to keep it secure you can push the "Request New Password" button again to get a new one.
Terrain Data accesses are tracked by the Maps Made Easy system and are monitored for scraping or abuse. Accounts found to be associated with bulk download of the data will be terminated.
Be sure to read about the limitations of the source data here: Terrain Data Limitations
My Profile page does not show "Map Pilot Terrain Access Token". It does however show my "Map Pilot Access Token". Is this the same access token?