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Camera - Taking Pictures and Video

Tudor -

Tag Pilot keeps things simple by using the remote's Shutter and Record buttons.


When the camera is storing an image that has been taken, a white camera icon will be displayed in the lower right corner of the video feed. The position of the aircraft is recorded by a grey dot (as seen along the blue orbit circle). It can take up to two seconds for the image to be read out fully.

In order to maintain synchronization between the recorded file names in the KML and the images it is important not to push the Shutter button again until the white camera icon has disappeared.


As with the Shutter button, when the Start/Stop button is pushed and starts a video recording, a red circle icon will be displayed in the lower right corner of the video feed. When the Start/Stop button is pushed again the video recording will stop and the red circle will disappear.

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    Ethan Smith

    This is a good thread thanks. I'm still new still learning then found this.

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    Luis Martinez

    Is there a video tutorial?

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    Adam Cron

    What happened to the little red dot so you know it’s recording? Disappeared on mine.

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