Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

URL to Custom Branding Logo - Account Profile page

Tudor -

Custom Branding

To give your map a custom look by adding your own logo to the lower right corner you can give us the URL (internet address) where the image is stored. The addition of the logo is universal to all paid jobs in your account and will reflect the value in the "URL to Custom Branding Logo" setting on the Account Profile page should be used.

For paid jobs, the web viewable versions of the maps can have the users company name and website link in addition to a linked version of their logo. For free jobs, the Maps Made Easy logo will be displayed but the users company name and URL can still be displayed in the attribution. 

To access the Account Profile page, you can either visit the following URL:


Go to the top right corner of the Maps Made Easy navigation bar (while logged in) and select "Profile" under the "Account" menu.


To get the URL for the image you would like to use you can give Maps Made Easy a link to somewhere you know your image is hosted you can right click on the image on your home page and select "Copy Image Address" as shown in the example below for our logo. 

To put the link to the custom branding image in Maps Made Easy, click "Click to edit" and paste the value into the edit box. 

If your job was created with Purchased Points (not Promotional Points) you will see your logo in the lower right corner of your map.

If you get a small box with an X or broken picture icon in it instead of the image you expected, check that the URL is valid by pasting it into the address bar and correct as needed.



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    Old Scout

    What is the recommended size of the Custom Branded Logo (in pixels)??

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    150x60 or something like that is what our logo is. It is really up to you.

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