Maps Made Easy Drones Made Easy

Touch Devices

Tudor -

Maps Made Easy uses a lot of the latest libraries for providing tools used for making annotations to your maps. Some of these libraries are not fully compatible with touch devices such as iOS devices, Surface, or Android devices. Any map that would regularly show the measurement tools will not do so when opened on a touch device. These tools not showing up is the system's way of telling you something isn't compatible.

When support is added for these devices we will try to enable the distance, area and volume measurements.

For touch capable devices that also allow for standard input methods, such as the latest Microsoft and Dell laptops, you can disable the touch capability of the browser and be able to access the measurement tools normally.

In Chrome:

  • Go to the address chrome://flags/
  • Change the "Enable Touch Events" setting to Disabled. If that isn't present, look for "Touch Events API".


Also, touch screen capability can be disabled by change the "Tablet Mode" settings.


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    I have an HP Envy touchscreen laptop and have disabled the touch screen in the Device Manager.
    However the measurement tools are still not appearing. is there something else I need to?

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    There still might be something you need to do in the browser but if the device doesn't have a touch device enabled it usually isn't a problem.

    Use this page to test whether or not your touch device has been properly disabled:

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