August 24, 2021 - 1.4.5
- Fixed Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual authorizations
January 18, 2021 - 1.4.4
- Fixed issue with placing downloaded terrain tile polygons on map for eastern longitudes
- Changed text label to orange to match tile boundary color in Load Terrain mode
- Fixed takeoff elevation consistency to use aircraft location
- Added heading degree label under the map heading lock button
December 18, 2020 - 1.4.3
- Fixed AGL value label issue. Now updates when terrain data is found.
- Fixed slow terrain data info loading when location is first found.
- Fixed bug in marker color selection.
November 13, 2020 - 1.4.2
- Fixed battery serial number and firmware version issue.
- Fixed media generation tagging in log files for Flight Sync view.
October 8, 2020 - 1.4.1
- Fixed aircraft marker display issue
September 22, 2020 - 1.4.0
- Updated to DJISDK 4.13.1 (Does NOT support M300 yet)
- Added GPX support (need to save from Files app)
- Added multiple imported file support
- Updated AirData sync
- Added Linear Marker Mission with Terrain Adjustments
- Updated Flight Control Buttons
- Added area and distance measurement
- Added power lines overlay
- Removed “auto tag” button, replaced with “flight control” button
- Increased ground quads in log file show 6 decimal places
- Redesigned thermal setup
- Added dark mode support
- Added Flat Field Correction (FFC) button
- Added device name in the log file
- Added search to File Manager
- Added double tap gesture to camera preview to focus
November 12, 2019 - 1.3.3
- Added AGL Warning (beeping and red text)
- Added Direction Indicator
- Changed most aspect ratios to 16:9 for recording compatibility
- Enhanced Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual support
- Added iOS 13 UI updates
- Enhanced logging to reflect dual cameras
September 16, 2019 - 1.3.2
- Added Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual support
- Changed Thermal Camera use IAP price to $999.99
- Hide thermal live feed if error on checking thermal camera serial number
- Fixed Flight Sync upload
August 18, 2019 - 1.3.1
- Fixed Mavic 2 Pro issue.
- Fixed FOV changing when recording is turned on and off.
August 9, 2019 - 1.3.0
- LOTS of new features!
- Added Mavic 2 support (all versions).
- Terrain and basemap caching for offline operation.
- Terrain Aware Linear Flight mode.
- Multi KML display selection.
- Movable home point.
- Flight bread crumb.
- AirData auto upload.
- Removed playback features.
- Camera focal length to log file.
- Quads to log file.
- Login required.
- Added Flight Sync.
- Zoomable tracking with Mavic 2 Zoom and Enterprise aircraft.
- Marker naming templates.
- XT2 support.
- Thermal PIP.
- KML optimizations.
- DJI SDK 4.10
April 19, 2018 - 1.1.0
- Added M200, M210, M210RTK Support
- Added Phantom 4 Advanced Support Added ArcGIS MapServer Overlay Fixes for log files (battery related)
December 22, 2016 - 1.0.2
- Fixed Tap to focus
- Bump controls update setting on camera
- Added crosshair coordinates to log file
- Fixed XT auto tag button being disabled at wrong time
- Fixed rotating the map manually rotates the aircraft marker oddly
- Limited number of detections to keep it from flood - limted to 5
- Improved pointing accuracy for XT
December 16, 2016 - v1.0.1
- Added Phantom 4 Pro support
- Added a No Tagging mode for thermal
- Added Thermal detection criteria slider bumps for fine up and down control
- Narrowed minimum thermal band to 10 degrees C
- Fixed Flight Controls button not getting hidden when going below 5 meters
- Tap to force focus on Phantom 4 Pro and Mavic
- Added tap to remove for auto tagged locations
- In App Purchase added to enable Thermal features
- Removed "‘F’ before pressing Upload again" message
- Update DJI SDK to v3.5
November 1, 2016 - v1.0.0
- Initial Release